Thursday, August 30, 2012

GE DAY- Friday, Sept. 28th on Tech Green


You are cordially invited to the annual GE Day on Friday September 28th on Tech Green from 11 am to 4 pm. At GE Day students can learn more about how GE moves, cures, powers, and builds the world. We will have representatives from some of GE’s different businesses including Aviation, Energy, and Appliances showcasing exciting new products. The event also showcases GE's entry-level programs to students interested in a career with our company, such as the Edison Engineering Development Program and the Operations Management Leadership Program.

We will be holding a raffle for some prizes.

In addition to GE Day, we invite you to attend the Professional Workshop being hosted by GE on Thursday September 6th in the Student Success Center President’s Suite B from 6 pm to 8 pm. The Professional Workshop includes opportunities for students to hear tips on resumes, career fair, and interviews. Mock interviews will follow a presentation and Q&A session.

Don’t forget to visit the GE booth at the Georgia Tech Fall Career Fair on Tuesday September 11th in the Campus Recreation Center from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm to discuss internship, co-op, and full-time opportunities.

Visit us on Facebook to find out more details about upcoming recruiting events.

James Mesiona
Field Service Engineer
GE Aviation
Global Customer Field Support
T 214-792-7443
C 407-304-0498
2832 Shorecrest Drive
Dallas, TX 75235
GE imagination at work

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

U.S. Department of Energy Office of International Climate Change Policy and Technology Fellowship Program

Now Accepting Applications for BS/BA, MS/MA or PhD Graduates and recent Alumni (within the last 5 years) in Public Policy, International Relations, or Communications

Application closes Sunday, September 9, 2012, midnight EDT –  Go to to get started NOW!

Opportunity in Washington, D.C. (full-time commitment starting in October 2012) to support communications and outreach activities of the Clean Energy Ministerial (, a high-level forum to promote policies and programs that advance clean energy technology, to share lessons learned and best practices, and to encourage the transition to a global clean energy economy. The Fellowship position would involve frequent interactions with international counterparts and some international travel.  Applicants must be U.S. Citizens - no exceptions.

The successful applicant will have experience in public affairs, media outreach, web site design, or related communications fields.  Strong interpersonal skills are also required.  Project management, international experience, and prior work in energy and/or climate change policy are also desirable.  Annual stipends range from $50,000 to $60,000 depending on academic level, skills and experience. Additional allowances for medical insurance or transportation may be provided.  Appointments are for one year and may be renewable for up to two years.

For more information, e-mail

Reboot: Academic Recovery Program

The Center for Academic Success is now accepting applications for this Fall's "Reboot: Academic Recovery Program."  Reboot (formally called "Excel") is open to all students in their first or second year at Tech (or with less than 60 earned hours) who have a cumulative Tech GPA of 2.2 or less.  The purpose of the program is to help students who are not meeting their own academic expectations learn to develop and practice better study strategies, set and achieve academic goals, and improve their grades and academic performance.  Reboot is a voluntary program, but asks students to commit to full participation, which includes weekly workshops, academic coaching sessions, and logged study hours.  Most students who complete the program do see academic improvement and find the program's accountability and structure to be helpful. 

Advisors, faculty, and staff are asked to encourage eligible students to apply.  The program has space for 25 students.  The online application is available at  For more information, please stop by the Center for Academic Success (283 Clough Commons) or email Beth Spencer at

I-IMPACT Noyce II Fellowships provide annual $10K stipends

Georgia Tech partners with Kennesaw State University in supporting the Noyce Scholarships funded by the National Science Foundation. The I-IMPACT Noyce II Fellowships provide annual $10K stipends over 5 years (total of $50K) as well as other funding to each recipient. The first program year is spent in the Kennesaw State University's Master of Arts (MAT) in Teaching Science degree and the next four are spent teaching in a high needs school district in Georgia. These scholarships are available to students who are in their final year at Tech, majoring in a science, engineering or technology field, and are considering becoming a middle or high school physics or chemistry teacher in Georgia.
You are invited to attend a reception and information session about the MAT and I-IMAST fellowship programs on Wednesday, September 5th in the ATOMS Center, House 59 on the Kennesaw campus. The two session options are: 5:30-6:30pm or 6:30-7:30pm. A light dinner and refreshments will be served at both sessions.
Please RSVP to by August 31st to confirm your attendance (space is limited) and to receive directions to the event. Contact Nancy Overley at or 770-794-7635 if you have any questions.

If you cannot attend this session but would like to talk further about your interest in teaching, please make an appointment on Georgia Tech’s campus with Susan Belmonte, the GT Pre-Teaching advisor (

Engineers Without Borders at Georgia Tech 2012

On behalf of Engineers Without Borders at Georgia Tech, I would like to invite you to join us as we kick off a new school year. EWB is a humanitarian engineering organization that works to design and implement health and infrastructure solutions in developing countries. Our projects are almost entirely student designed and lead. In addition to our international projects, EWB-GT also has a few local projects that work to research appropriate technologies and spread the word about our work.

We are hoping to extend our member base this year, so please note that EWB is not just for civil and environmental engineers. We welcome and encourage members from all disciplines, even those that are non-engineering related. There are several aspects necessary to ensuring the success of our projects, so there is definitely a job for everyone.

We will have a New Member Orientation on September 7th at 6:00 p.m., location TBA. If you are interested in joining our organization, please visit our website,, and see the attached flyer for more information.

Thanks, and we look forward to meeting all of you!


Alexandra N. George
Georgia Institute of Technology
Civil and Environmental Engineering (Pre-Medicine)
Engineers Without Borders, Internal Vice President

Monday, August 27, 2012

GTNeuro 1st General Meeting of the Year

What: GTNeuro 1st General Meeting of the Year
Where: Whitaker 1214
When: August 28, 2012 at 6 PM

GTNeuro will be holding our first general meeting of the year. We have accomplished a lot since winning the Best New Organization award last spring and want to update all club members on what we plan on doing this semester and year.

We have a lot of exciting stuff planned and hope to see you there!

Best Regards,

Celanese to speak at SAACS Meeting Sept. 4th!

Hi everyone! 

Celanese is a global chemical company with a wide range of opportunities for B.S. Chemists.  Come to the SAACS meeting on September 4 at 11 am in the Boggs Reading Room to learn about Celanese and about internship and full time opportunities.  Two GT Chemistry grads that currently work with Celanese will be sharing their experiences.  Pizza will be served and there will be a raffle for an iPod shuffle!  Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to learn about career opportunities with Celanese.


Kristin Herrel
Business Analyst, Emulsion Polymers
Celanese Corporation / 222 W. Las Colinas Blvd. Suite 900/ Irving, TX  75039 / USA
office +1 (972) 443-4095

Monday, August 20, 2012

JUMPSTART: Mentoring and Volunteer Opportunity

From Julius Cave in the Office for Leadership and Civic Engagement....

In low-income neighborhoods, children start kindergarten 60% behind their peers from affluent communities.
Jumpstart a Child's Future   Join the Jumpstart Corps

Jumpstart is an excellent opportunity for Georgia Tech students to positively impact the lives of local Atlanta preschool students. Jumpstart is a national early education organization working toward the day every child in America enters school prepared to succeed.  Jumpstart Corps Members implement the Jumpstart curriculum on a weekly basis to help preschool students develop the language and literacy skills necessary for educational success.  Corps Members develop strong positive relationships through reading, playing, and spending time with the preschool students.  Corps Members also spend time weekly engaging in individual as well as team planning.  Jumpstart Corps Members commit to serving 300 hours throughout the school year in this highly rewarding experience.   Corps Members who qualify for Federal Work Study can work with Jumpstart as their job but you do not have to receive Federal Work Study to be a Corps Member.  Corps Members are also eligible to receive an AmeriCorps education award after completing their term of service.

  To find out more information attend one of our upcoming information sessions. Jumpstart and CEISMC will be hosting joint information sessions to provide information about opportunities in the local community with students ranging from preschool to high school. Join us August 29 at 4pm and September 4 at 5pm.  Both sessions will be in Room 320 of the Student Center.

If you are interested in the opportunity please Visit us at Apply now at . For questions email at .

Pre-Med Students:GT Student Hospital Connections

To current and prospective pre-health students alike: do you want
exposure to the field of medicine but don't know how to get started?
How about weekly shuttle rides to local hospitals or opportunities to
meet with medical professionals?

GT Student Hospital Connections offers all that and more! A student-run
pre-med organization, GT SHC sets up volunteers at Grady Memorial
Hospital and Atlanta Medical Center. Interviews and orientations are
conducted on campus and weekly transportation is provided for those who
require it. Not only do we provide medical exposure, but also offer
further opportunities to explore the field with guest speakers,
invitations to conferences, and more!

1. Volunteer applications are now posted on the GT SHC site (, but will not open online until August 20th.
Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. August 24th. Applications are
required for both new and returning members.

2. General orientation will be on August 30th at 7:00 p.m in Boggs B6.

3. Be sure to come early as there are limited spots available for
members needing transportation from us. Please line up outside the door
in order of your arrival. We will still accept those people who have
their own means of transportation to the hospitals.

4. Dues for Grady will be $25 (for those needing shuttle rides) and
$15 (for those providing their own transportation.) Dues for AMC will
be $50 (for those needing shuttle rides) and $30 (for those providing
their own transportation.)

5. Grady volunteering is a one-semester commitment, whereas AMC
volunteering is a two-semester commitment. Please take this into
consideration when you sign up.

For more information, check out our site:
Contact SHC Secretary Yoonmi Choi ( should you have
any questions! Be sure to check us out!

Best of luck this semester,

Yoonmi Choi
SHC Secretary

Diane Yoonmi Choi
SHC Secretary
Biochemistry '14, Pre-Med
Georgia Institute of Technology

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Job Opening: Analytical Chemist

Job Summary
Perform all aspects of analytical chemistry. This will include testing on a variety of analytical equipment and instrumentation, such as GC, IC, DSC, etc. supporting research & development. Also will support technical service and customers as needed. Will maintain equipment. Polymer characterization analysis will be conducted, and so polymer experience is preferred.
Level: This person could come in at the level of a Bachelor degree chemist, or could come in at the level for a Master's degree chemist.

This job is located in the Atlanta Area.

For more info please contact:

Spero A. Maginas
Maginas Services
Science, Technology & Executive Search
Ambridge, Pennsylvania

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Research Position-Bommarius Group

Research Positions for Undergraduates, Fall term 2012

The Bommarius lab seeks undergraduate students interested in challenging research!

The Bommarius laboratory (ChBE, CHEM, Bioengineering) specializes in biocatalysis, green
chemistry, protein stability, and biochemical engineering. We seek self-motivated, hard-working
student researchers interested to continue for a doctoral degree, preferentially a PhD, after
college, to work on cutting-edge research problems and to learn new skills.

i) graduation date (B.S.) between 05/13 and 05/15 in BIOL, BMED, CEE, ChBE, or CHEM
ii) GPA at Georgia Tech > 3.30, preferably > 3.5
iii) basic laboratory skills, enthusiasm, self-motivation, flexibility, independence
iv) start in Fall 2012 for credit, continuation during 2013 possible and expected
Interested?: Please email resume (incl. i) major, ii) GPA, and iii) expected graduation date) to
mentor and to Prof. Andreas S. Bommarius (
Interviews with mentor: any time; feedback: less than 1 day later; decision asap after
agreement among student, mentor, and faculty advisor

We have a position available on the following projects:
1. Deep eutectic solvents for the pretreatment of cellulose
Cellulose is the most abundant biomaterial known and is considered a key target for replacement of fossil
fuels. Due to its partially crystalline nature, cellulose is not soluble in water or most organic liquids.
Eutectic mixtures of salts sometimes melt below room temperature. We will investigate the solubility and
structure (crystallinity) of cellulose in such liquids.
The student will learn to compose and identify a eutectic medium, measure and interpret
crystallinity of cellulose, and to employ cellulose and lignocellulosic materials. Key experiments will
involve testing renewable materials as components of the eutectic system, testing cellulose crystallinity
via X-ray diffractometry, and measuring hydrolysis to oligosaccharides. The work will require some
knowledge of physical chemistry.
Mentors: Yuzhi Kang ( and Dr. Min Jeong Sohn (
2. Kinetics of enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis
Lignocellulosics are of great significance as biofuel feedstock due to their abundance and low cost. The
purpose of this research is to evaluate the effects of steam explosion and the feasibility of utilizing steamexploded
agricultural residues as fuel feedstock. The research focuses on the hydrolyzability, reactivity,
and kinetic study of lignocellulosic biomass such as steam-exploded bagasse and wheat straw.
The student will learn techniques of protein purification and handling, of measuring and
interpreting adsorption and enzyme kinetic data, and of employing lignocellulosic materials. Key
experiments will involve measuring adsorption of cellulase on cellulose surfaces and exploring and
confirming enzymatic activity. The work will require knowledge of organic chemistry and kinetics.
Mentor: Yuzhi Kang (
3. Redesign of formate dehydrogenase via protein engineering
Formate dehydrogenase (FDH) catalyzes the oxidation of formate, an inexpensive reductant (“H2 +
CO2”), to CO2 under concomitant oxidation of a biological cofactor, NADH or NADPH. FDH is
extremely useful in complementing other dehydrogenases that catalyze the synthesis of active
pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
We have started to design a totally novel FDH from scratch that incorporates all knowledge about
enhancing activity and stability accumulated over many years. We have found that our newly designed
protein shows activity but now need much further characterization work.
The student will learn protein expression and purification techniques along with assays to explore
and confirm enzymatic activity using state-of-the-art technologies in protein engineering such as Akta
explorer for protein purification, gas chromatography, circular dichroism, and mutational library
construction. The work will require knowledge of organic chemistry, biochemistry, and kinetics.
Mentors: Dr. Bettina Bommarius ( and Samantha Au
4. Prebiotic sugar synthesis: carbene-catalyzed formaldehyde condensation to dihydroxyacetone
Formaldehyde is a simple single carbon molecule and both an important building block for the
chemical industry as well as the most likely prebiotic precursor of sugars. The purpose of this research is
to test multiple carbene precursor catalysts for their ability to convert formaldehyde to the triose sugar
dihydroxyacetone. Dihydroxyacetone will then be used as a reagent for further bond-forming reactions.
The student’s research project will focus on optimizing conversion and selectivity using temperature
and concentration as the major variables studied. Some background in synthesis would be helpful.
Chemical purification techniques such as crystallization and extraction will be learned as well as
identification using HPLC-MS and NMR.

Mentor: Ryan Clairmont (

Friday, August 10, 2012

MSE 2803 Lab Course - Fall 2012

Let's Have Fun, Challenge, and Learn !

Invitation to a Hands-on Conceptual Lab Course (2-3-3)
MSE 2803:

Laboratory for Fundamental Concepts of Materials
* Lecture: MW, 1:05-1:55pm, Room: TBA
* Lab Sections: A: Thurs. 12:05-2:55 pm, BH 357
or B: Thurs. 3:05-5:55 pm, BH 357

* Prerequisite: None !
* An elective course for Fall 2012.
* An introductory inquiry-guided lab course for UG.
* Optical microscope is the only tool to use !
* Open to everyone, but only up to first 24 students !

Examples of the Labs to Explore !
1) Reintroduction to your first scientific tool: Light microscopy (transmission, reflection and polarized), image formation, and image analysis
2) Why is the sky blue?: Scattering and diffraction (1d & 2d) from the materials
3) Demonstration of phase transitions, nucleation and growth: Breath figures, a model system for chemical vapor deposition
4) Liquid crystals and LCD: A soft condensed matter system displaying a variety of defects, phase transitions, and morphologies
5) Polymer crystallization
6) Energy harvesting: Rubber photoelasticity, entropy wheels and photovoltaics
7) Photonics in nature and structural colors: Butterfly wing scales using reflection microscopy

For more information, contact:
Prof. Mohan Srinivasarao: 404-894

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Annual Resume Blitz Hosted by Career Services-Sept. 4th,5th & 7th!

Career Services will again host its Annual Resume Blitz September 4th, 5th and 7th, where we invite industry experts and partners to critique student resumes prior to the Fall career fair (September 10th & 11th) and on-campus recruiting (September 11th -  November 16th).  

Based on feedback received from our participants, we have reduced the number of resume critique locations which will allow us to serve a larger number of students and accommodate a greater number of company representatives willing to support our students by volunteering their time and expertise. As a result, we are pleased to inform you that College of Sciences (CoS) students will be served in the Klaus Building Atrium on Wednesday, September 5, 2012, starting at 10:00 a.m. and ending at 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Research Opportunity: GT AFM Project

Undergraduate research assignment available: Measuring intermolecular potential profiles using atomic force microscopy.

We are looking for an undergraduate student researcher interested in physical chemistry and atomic force microscopy. A student will utilize the exquisite sensitivity of the AFM to measure the attraction and repulsion of chemical or biomolecular interactions.  Students should know or be willing to learn basic chemistry, AFM, basic controls, and data analysis.
The position is open immediately and preference will be given to students who would like to commit for at least one year. Research credit could be offered in fall semester. Interested students can contact


Research Fellowship Positions – Immediate Need

The Nutritional Biomarkers Branch, which is part of the Division of Laboratory Sciences at the National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is currently seeking recent BS level graduates for laboratory research fellowships in Atlanta, Georgia. 

The Nutritional Biomarkers Branch quantifies various nutrients and bioactive dietary components in blood products and urine using advanced analytical chemistry methods in state-of-the-art laboratory facilities ( 

Candidates should hold a chemistry or biochemistry degree and preferably have experience in liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and handling/processing of human biological samples.

Fellowships are offered through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Research Participation Program. The ORISE Research Participation Programs at the CDC are designed to provide a flow of scientists and engineers into the CDC to participate in current research and development activities, studies and technical projects. To be eligible the applicant must have received his/her bachelor’s degree in chemistry (or an appropriate science or engineering discipline) within the last five years, or must expect to complete all requirements for such a degree prior to starting the fellowship. The fellowship will be for one (1) year with the possibility of extension for up to three (3) years. The fellowship is a paid, full-time position. Additional details regarding the ORISE Research Participation Program and eligibility requirements can be found at:

If interested, please submit your resume and a letter of intent to Ms. Linda Leake (; Subject: CDC/ORISE opportunity - Nutritional Biomarkers Branch).