Thursday, January 16, 2014

Research careers conference for undergraduates at Agnes Scott College

I am helping organize a one-day conference "Is a Ph.D. for Me?", for undergraduate students interested in graduate school and research career options in the fields of engineering and life science. The conference is will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2014 at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta. Please encourage your students to sign up for this free event (lunch included!). The website is and the registration deadline is January 15. I know the school may not be in session yet, but if you have a way of reaching the students before the 22nd, I would greatly appreciate it! We have almost a 100 students registered, but would like to share this opportunity with as many Atlanta area science undergrads as possible.

This is a great opportunity for undergraduate science students to learn what PhD programs in biological sciences and engineering are all about, talk to current graduate students, and hear some exciting research presentations from leading researchers in the field. We would especially like to attract underrepresented students and those who do not have regular opportunities to attend research presentations and interact with researchers and graduate students. Confirmed speakers include Jay Keasling (UC Berkeley, synthetic biology/ metabolic engineering), Pamela Peralta-Yahya (Georgia Institute of Technology, biochemistry/biomolecular engineering), Karmella Haynes (Arizona State University, biological and health systems engineering), and Susan Marqusee (UC Berkeley, protein engineering). Graduate students from MIT, Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University, UC Berkeley, and UC San Francisco will participate on a panel and in networking sessions.

I hope you will help spread the word about this unique opportunity by printing and posting the attached flier at your college or university. Also, please post the link to the conference website, on your departmental websites, facebook pages etc.?

Thanks very much, and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Srebrenka Robic, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Agnes Scott College
141 E. College Ave
Decatur, GA 30030
404 471 6379