Tuesday, November 22, 2016

49th Southeast Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC 2017)

Registration for the 49th Southeast Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC 2017) is open on our website: www.sc.edu/surc2017.

Oral abstracts are due December 9, 2016. 
Poster abstracts and early registration deadlines are January 9, 2016. 

All areas of Chemistry and Biochemistry will be represented. 
The conference with be January 27-28 (Friday and Saturday), 2017 in Columbia, South Carolina.  Our Keynote speaker, Prof. Steve Morgan, will speak on Undergraduate Research in Forensic Analytical Chemistry: Fingerprints, Blood, Fibers, and Dyes.

Please pass this email to your faculty and students.  See you in January!

Caryn E. Outten, Chair SURC 2017
Guy F. Lipscomb Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
SURC 2017 Email
SURC 2017 Webpage