Monday, November 30, 2009

NASA Ames Academy

The Ames Academy is an intensive educational program emphasizing group activities, teamwork, research, and creativity. The curriculum balances direct contact with science and engineering R & D with an awareness of the managerial, political, financial, social and human issues faced by aerospace professionals.

Included are seminars, informal discussions, evening lectures, supervised research, visits to other NASA Centers and Facilities, group project/s, tours posters/presentations, and assessment. Additionally, each weekend is filled with group activities, team building, off-site trips, and leadership training. Alumni of the NASA Academy programs stay in touch through a grassroots non-profit and have had great success in entering the workforce as NASA civil servants, contractors of the aerospace industry, and the many budding commercial space enterprises.

The 2010 Academy should serve as an extension of the "pipeline" and improve NASA's return on its investment in minority education programs. We want to continue exposing students to the science and leadership that NASA has to offer by inviting you to apply to the Academy program though our application website:

The Academy program is open to Undergraduate Juniors & Seniors and Graduate students before completion of their first year of Grad school.