Wednesday, December 16, 2009

International Plan Updates

INTA 1200-IP section: American Government in Comparative & Global Perspectives. The IP section (and only the IP section) of this course now fulfills the International Plan's International Relations requirement. It also fulfills Georgia Tech's American History / American Government requirement. It is restricted to IP students, as it is specifically designed with the interests and needs of the IP student in mind. Contact Stephanie Jackson at to request a permit. The spring semester course is taught TR 12:05-1:35 - CRN 29283
Contribute an article for the "Student's Corner" of the newsletter! If you have completed at least one term of international experience for the IP and want a chance to write about your experiences, then send a request along with a statement of your article idea to international
The IP is on Facebook. Look for our group called International Plan: GIT Global as a way to connect with other IP students.

Upcoming IP Events
1st Annual International Plan Symposium - The International Plan is sponsoring a spring semester symposium scheduled for February 11th, 2010. Students who have completed one or both terms of their 26 weeks international experience requirement are invited to submit proposals for oral presentations or posters - Check out the website for more details at
Group Advisement Session - Thursday, January 13, 2010, Room 319, Student Center, 11:00-12:00. This is a great chance for all IP students to have your questions answered and meet other students in the program. Each person who comes will get an IP tee-shirt

Policy Updates
The IP committee has determined that Middle Eastern countries such as Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. will count as Foreign Language Track countries with students being required to use Arabic to fulfill the IP Language requirement.

Students Going Abroad: Spring or summer 2010

Before going abroad, make sure to complete your International Plan "International Experiences Approval Form", previously "Authroized Signatures Form." Completing this form provides assurance that your time abroad will count toward IP requirements. Once you have obtained all signatures, please contact us at to make an appointment to see Karen Pierce for the final signature. If you do not have this form already, you may find it on the IP website by clicking here.
After your form is signed, you'll be given permission to register for a course that indicates on your transcript that your time abroad is counting towards IP requirements.
Don't for get to apply for the IP stipend if going abroad. Application can be found on our website at:

Graduating Students
If you intend to graduate with the International Plan designation then you will need to turn in your "IP Degree Petition". Once you have obtained all signatures, please contact us at to make an appointment to see Karen Pierce for the final signature. If you do not have this form already, you may find it on the IP website: