Monday, July 25, 2011

New Fall 2011 campus job - clicker supprt

Turning Technologies Campus Intern

Georgia Tech has selected TurningPoint clicker as the supported campus clicker system. In an effort to assist with the implementation of the technology on campus, Turning Technologies established a paid internship program with Georgia Tech. We are now looking for 1‐2 campus interns for Fall 2011.

Primary Responsibilities

 Support successful usage of Turning Technologies’ products on campus
 Identify all on campus clicker users
 Conduct department‐level instructor training and one‐one‐one trainings
 Attend initial classes where clickers are used for the first time
 Follow‐up with campus clicker users throughout the academic term
 Communicate regular feedback to Turning Technologies on product use and campus needs
 Assist with all other assigned duties

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

 Strong presentation and communication skills
 Ability to think “outside the box” when a situation calls for it
 General knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint
 Ability to offer flexible and unique consultation

Wages and Hours

 Starting hourly pay of $8.00
 Ability to earn up to $10.00 an hour based on performance (reviewed each term)
 Maximum 10 hours a week

Minimum Qualifications

 Currently enrolled student
 Minimum 3.0GPA
 Knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint
 Computing, CIS or Business Major a plus

How to Apply

Send resume to Dr. Chaohua Ou, Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning