Tuesday, August 19, 2014

2014 Herty Medalist Undergraduate Research Symposium

On September 5th from 1 - 5 pm in the afternoon, the Department of Chemistry at Morehouse College & the Georgia Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) will once again come together to present the 9th Annual Herty Medal Undergraduate Research Symposium (HMURS).  As you may remember from previous years, the Herty Medal is awarded annually by the Georgia Local Section to give public recognition to the work and service of outstanding chemists who have significantly contributed to their chosen fields.  This year's recipient is Dr. Luigi G. Marzilli, William White Tison Professor of Chemistry and Chair, Department of Chemistry at Louisiana State University.  As in years past, Morehouse College is again proud to host this event, specific details about which are available online at:

(NOTE: You may need to refresh your browser once connected)

As both chair and a member of the planning committee for this annual event, I am writing to you to invite you to this event as well as to ask that you forward/announce this invitation to all undergraduate students who have done or are planning to undertake undergraduate research experiences.  Since HMURS will include several lectures aimed at undergraduates from professionals in the field, this event serves as an ideal venue for them to be inspired toward careers in chemistry and the related sciences.  In particular, students who have performed research (i.e. with you, a colleague, or even as part of a summer research program) should be strongly encouraged to present posters as there is no registration fee for this event.  In addition, the top poster presenter(s) will be selected for a $500 travel grant to be applied towards attending an ACS National Meeting.  (The upcoming meeting of ACS in Spring 2015 will be held in Denver, CO).  As well, several poster presenters will be awarded one-year student memberships in the ACS.  Attached to this message, you will find a flyer announcing details about this event for posting/further dissemination amongst your departmental colleagues and students.

All participants may register through the link for the main HMURS site provided above, or at:

While registration is required for all poster presenters, it is nonetheless strongly encouraged for all other attendees.  (This is to ensure that we have adequate quantities of food for our reception, and will allow us to pre-print name tags for all participants.)  Registration for students who plan to present research posters will close Monday, September 2 at midnight (12:00am).

I look forward to seeing you on September 5th!!

Best regards,
Brian M. Lawrence, Ph.D.

2014 Chair, Herty Medalist Undergraduate Research Symposium