Monday, May 3, 2010

New Master's Program at Notre Dame

This year, Notre Dame has launched new master's degree program for science, computer science, math, and engineering graduates. This program is designed for students who do not intend to pursue a Ph.D. in their field. It offers a way to apply their undergraduate science
or engineering background to the high technology business sector instead. Currently, this program is half-way through its first year, and the results have exceeded expectations.

ESTEEM (Engineering, Science, and Technology Entrepreneurship Excellence Master) is an innovative one-year accelerated master's degree program developed jointly by the College of Science, the College of Engineering, and the Mendoza College of Business to address the many challenges engineering and science graduates encounter in today's high technology business world. Focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, and product development, the program is designed to help students translate their quantitative skills to the high technology arena. Graduates of the ESTEEM program will receive a Master of Science degree in engineering, science, and technology entrepreneurship.

If you would like to spend one more year further developing your technology and business acumen, apply now to the ESTEEM Program. Financial aid is available. Applications for admission and financial aid are currently being reviewed. The deadline is approaching fast, but the application is straightforward. For details, please visit the ESTEEM website