Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Career Fair Volunteers Needed

The Career Fair Committee is seeking volunteers to help with the 6th Annual GT Biotechnology Career Fair, www.careerfair.bme.gatech.edu, on September 16 and the days surrounding the fair. Volunteering for Biotech Career Fair events allows students to get to know how the career fair is being set up and organized. It also allows students gain experience and perspective from the host stand point.

We will need 6 volunteers Wednesday (Sep. 15) late afternoon (4pm) and 2 that evening (5-7pm), and many more all day on Thursday (Sep. 16) from 8AM - 6 PM. Traditionally, we have volunteers sign up for 1 or 2-hour time blocks - if you can stay longer that's fine too.

If you are interested in volunteering to help with the career fair, please email Stacie Chvatal at stacie.chvatal@bme.gatech.edu. Please indicate ALL time(s) you would be able to help and the total number of hours you would like to volunteer. We will send you an email letting you know what time you have been signed up for based on the information you sent us.

Volunteers will each receive a small gift and be entered into a drawing to win laser pointer pens. Detailed information can be found below:

Volunteer jobs:
Wednesday, Sep. 15:
4 pm: (6 needed) set up tables and chairs for the fair

4:45-7 pm: (2 needed, each for 1-1.5 hr) help with info sessions - this includes directing students and company reps to the info session and clean up of classrooms (if needed) as well as possibly monitoring the snack area.

Thursday, Sep. 16:
8-9 AM: (2 needed) Booth set up - set up table, chairs, tablecloths, moving company materials to tables

8-9 AM: (1 needed) Registration set up - gather items needed for registration table
8 AM - 1 PM: (10-15 needed, 1 hr shift each) Parking Lot attendants - direct company reps into parking spaces, and direct them from parking lot over to the M-building where fair will be held.

9 AM - 1 PM: (8 needed, 1 hr shift each) Package valets - assist company reps with carrying their packages from the parking lot to the career fair in the M-building

9 AM - 1 PM: (4 needed, 1 hr each) Company registration - sit at the registration table to welcome company reps as they arrive and direct them to their table

11 AM - 1 PM: (2 needed, 1 hr each) Lunch escort - escort company reps to the lunch which will be held in a nearby building

1-5 PM: (4 needed, 1 hr each) Student Registration - sit at the table and make sure students attending the fair sign in / swipe buzz cards

5-6 PM: (6 needed) Clean-up - remove tablecloths, break down tables, chairs, etc.

Also, please note that if you want a volunteer name tag with your name printed
on it, you must email me by Friday 9/10/09 at 9 AM.

All times will be assigned on a first come, first served basis after scheduling for maximum coverage of time slots.

Thank you,
Stacie Chvatal