Friday, September 10, 2010

Herty Medal Undergraduate Research Symposium

On September 17th, the Georgia Section of the ACS will be staging the
fifth Herty Medal Undergraduate Research Symposium (HMURS) to be held at
Morehouse College from 1:00PM to 5:00PM. The details are available at:

Speakers include Dr. Kenneth Wagener (U.Florida), Dr. Stefan France (Georgia
Institue of Technology), and Dr. Ishrat Khan (Clark-Atlanta University).

HMURS will include several lectures aimed at undergraduates and is an
ideal venue for them to be inspired toward chemistry careers. Please
encourage your students to participate and present posters. Two
poster presenters will be selected for $500 travel grants to be applied
towards attending an ACS National Meeting. (The upcoming Spring meeting
will be held in Anaheim, CA!) Several poster presenters will be awarded
1-year ACS memberships.

All participants may register through the link for the main HMURS site
provided above, or at:

Registration is required for poster presenters, and strongly encouraged
for all others. (This is to ensure that we have adequate food at the
reception, and to pre-print name tags.)